Acute Lower Back Pain


Low back pain is incredibly common. Up to 90% of the population will have an episode of low back pain at some point in their lifetimes. For most, this will be an acute episode, with recovery occurring within 3 months (often much sooner).

The management of low back pain has changed considerably over the years. Previously, bedrest was often prescribed, which involved spending days at a time in bed recovering! With new knowledge and research, we now know this is one of the worst things we can do, as it will often make your pain worse and your recovery longer.

Remaining active is incredibly important for the management of low back pain. Stretching and range of motion exercises, small but regular walks, and swimming are great low impact activities which will help with your recovery.

For further advice and management of your low back pain, call (07) 4723 2233 to book an appointment with one of our physiotherapists.

The Hunting House